The tech support code allows us to access the logs from your gateway and connect to your gateway interface so we can see the same thing as you. This is one of the most useful pieces of information you can provide us for a new tech support request. See Asking for Help for other useful information.
You must use the web interface, available via the IP address of the unit or to get this code.
Create a tech support code
In your gateway go to Settings and then Customer Care and scroll to the bottom and click Enable. After a few moments a code will be generated, please copy and paste this full code into your support request.
Once you are confident you have tested everything sufficiently, go to the New Ticket page and fill in the details. You can keep track of all your tickets from the My Activity page.
Assume we know nothing about your problem and let us know what you have tested, what exactly your problem is, and how you are expecting it to behave. This will help us avoid needing to ask for additional information and help resolve your issue faster.